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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Green's Tints & Shades
He loved to work on Wall Street,
T’was there where he learned to cheat.
His great greed knows no bound;
His lies kept him from the ground.
Day or night, it does not matter,
For his wealth grew ever fatter.

His wealth continues to pile;
He always worked with a smile.
Everyone could see it in his eyes,
Others started gathering their spies.
He didn’t think of any need to clean,
He just wanted to ensure his green.

Others have also grown in green,
The more they stare at this fiend.
Their spies have come back,
With his written daily track.
They now have their proof,
“His wealth will disappear in a poof!”

Soon they ready their plot,
Officers took him on the spot.
His piles of greens could not pay,
For them not to take him away.
From big office to chain gang,
He thought he would rather hang.

Like all others, he still has work,
Yet this one came with a perk.
At first, planting made him feel crappy,
But, it grew on him, making him happy.
Time’s hands spun by till he figured he won,
Realizing instead of getting green, he should be one.

                                                              ~Brian Tang (2010)


  1. How many of you thought I was going to do this colour?
    Can you identify all the forms of Green?
    I thought representing a color from one side would be what everyone else would be doing, so I tried one from many different representations of the colour. I tried; I don't consider myself a poet on any grounds! I just wanted it to be different and stand out. Second choice, WHITE innocence third, RED blood. I actually had fun with this. Took 2 hours but was entertained. Can anyone else relate?

    Copyright 2010
    Tangopolis Industries

  2. P.S.
    Try to read it as is.
    If you can't read it, copy and paste it in a document and change the font. The cursive adds a nice personal touch, but I know not everyone can read it (for some reason).

  3. I liked your poem a lot, it must have taken you a long time to combine all three meanings of green in one poem. I'm glad you incorporated all different types of green. I really like the line "They now have their proof, "His wealth will disappear in a poof!" For some reason it made me smile. I'm also amazed that you could make such a long poem continuously rhyme while keeping its value I know how hard that is.

  4. Great poem Brian, i thought you might choose green! lol.. I liked that you wrote the poem in rhymes, and also told a story with it. Incorporating different meanings of the color isn't something a lot of people did. I particularly like the use of the words "fatter" and "crappy." Nice Job! I'm glad you had fun with the activity and made it fun to read.

  5. Thanks. I have to be honest, I thought that either you had completely forgot or you just blew me off. I will make sure Mr. Carty sees this. One week passed due, but I am sure it can count for something. Obviously it was a technological wall of sorts that prevented you from leaving your thoughts here ;). Mr. Carty comment on my poem too, I want to view your opinion in text form as well.

  6. It was definitely the first option lo, and my internet was definitely down. Hit a big wall, but here it is!
